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1 What, me worry?  Thu, Jun 9, 2011 11:56:34am

It would have been worse if he was doing it at work, and considering his line of work, when he was supposed to be HELPING THE PEOPLE, yea, it would have been outrageous.

But in the grand scheme of things, I don't care. Weiner should have kept his weiner for private viewing only.

2 Buck  Thu, Jun 9, 2011 12:21:00pm

I don't think that is the outstanding issue.

The reports are that he was making and receiving phone sex calls from his congressional office. Add that to offering "his team" for use on this.

Not to mention his (a sitting congressman) coaching a person to lie to the media.

Sorry, the pictures themselves are not the issue for anyone really. It is the lying, and (once again) the cover up.

For me standing by while others accused innocent people of crimes he knew they didn't do is much more serious.

Forgive me if I question the truth to his "coming clean" presser.

I think he was lying then as well.

3 Charles Johnson  Thu, Jun 9, 2011 12:35:18pm

My dreidel's always playful.
It loves to dance and spin.
A happy game of dreidel!
Come play now let's begin.

4 What, me worry?  Thu, Jun 9, 2011 12:40:28pm

re: #2 Buck

I don't think that is the outstanding issue.

The reports are that he was making and receiving phone sex calls from his congressional office. Add that to offering "his team" for use on this.

Not to mention his (a sitting congressman) coaching a person to lie to the media.

Sorry, the pictures themselves are not the issue for anyone really. It is the lying, and (once again) the cover up.

For me standing by while others accused innocent people of crimes he knew they didn't do is much more serious.

Forgive me if I question the truth to his "coming clean" presser.

I think he was lying then as well.

But how could he be lying about coming clean? He admitted it. He came clean. He stopped lying. That doesn't make sense.

I'm pissed at all of it. The lying, the cheating. Another good Democrat goes off on a sexual bender. Yikes.

Anyway, he did own up to it, eventually.

5 lawhawk  Thu, Jun 9, 2011 12:50:20pm

re: #3 Charles

Hmmm... Weiner's dreidel? Heh. He's still a putz for lying, cheating, sexting, and otherwise exposing himself to endless ridicule.

6 Buck  Thu, Jun 9, 2011 1:04:33pm

re: #4 marjoriemoon

But how could he be lying about coming clean? He admitted it. He came clean. He stopped lying. That doesn't make sense.

I'm pissed at all of it. The lying, the cheating. Another good Democrat goes off on a sexual bender. Yikes.

Anyway, he did own up to it, eventually.

When he says that he never used congressional resources for this little hobby of his... I think he is lying about that. He fell right back into that "I can't recall every event, but I don't think that I ..."

He knows what he did, and he can recall. That is exactly the same as the "I can't say with certainhood" lie.

His former girlfriend said almost the exact same thing.

Powers asserts that Weiner is not a trustworthy individual, adding that she questions the truth to his Monday presser.

Read more: [Link:]

7 Prononymous, rogue demon hunter  Thu, Jun 9, 2011 1:26:25pm

For me the key is if Weiner ever tried to lecture or legislate others about the morality of their sexuality. If he did, then the hypocrite can fuck off. If he didn't then, frankly, what happens in his personal sex life doesn't isn't my concern.

It's the same way with Republicans. I wouldn't give a shit what Newt, for example, does in his marital life except he's so fond of moralizing to other people about what happens in their personal lives. If a law hasn't been broken or hypocrisy laid bare then the sex lives of others really isn't any of my business.

8 Buck  Thu, Jun 9, 2011 2:22:40pm

re: #7 prononymous

Again, it isn't about the sex. It is about the lying. At least for me.

And I think it is clear that Weiner was against lying before this incident. And yes that would mean that by lying he was also a hypocrite.

9 Prononymous, rogue demon hunter  Thu, Jun 9, 2011 2:38:20pm

re: #8 Buck

For me it also depends on what a person is lying about. Context matters. Lying about something that others really don't have any business asking about isn't a problem in my view.

10 Buck  Thu, Jun 9, 2011 6:42:02pm

re: #9 prononymous

For me it also depends on what a person is lying about. Context matters. Lying about something that others really don't have any business asking about isn't a problem in my view.

So just that I understand if someone sent you or you sister a unsolicited picture of an "excited " underwear covered crotch and then everyone you know found out and then they denied and lied about it was.

11 Prononymous, rogue demon hunter  Thu, Jun 9, 2011 7:08:12pm

I don't understand your point. Please rephrase it.

12 Buck  Thu, Jun 9, 2011 9:04:20pm

I think you would care if someone sent you an unsolicited crotch shot...

Kirsten Powers, a liberal and former girlfriend of Anthony Weiner said it really well:

there is the issue of his attitude toward women. What has emerged is a picture of a predator trolling the Internet for women—some half his age—with which to engage in cybersex. We know only about the women who were responsive to his overtures. The odds are very high that he struck out with many, and other women were victim to his unsolicited sex talk. Women should be able to “friend” a married—or unmarried—congressman on Facebook or follow him on Twitter without fear of being the recipient of lewd talk or behavior. Just because a woman “likes” your video on Facebook doesn’t mean you can send her a picture of your penis. This is textbook sexual harassment. It may not be illegal, but it’s definitely unethical.
13 Prononymous, rogue demon hunter  Thu, Jun 9, 2011 9:50:54pm

re: #12 Buck

I think you would care if someone sent you an unsolicited crotch shot...

Obviously their sex life becomes my business at that point because they are trying to include me in it. That doesn't necessarily mean that it would be anyone else's business or that I should share it with the world.

Sure, now that the information is out I'm filing Weiner in the creep category. But unless some sort of law or congressional ethics rule has been broken then the people screaming for him to resign should STFU.

Voting for someone based on their personal life rather than on their voting record is just plain stupid, IMO, even if it is par for the course in American politics. Newt divorcing his wife when he did, though scummy, wouldn't stop me from voting for him if his policies and voting record were what I agree with. Sexual scandals are just one point in the spectrum of distractions that have become the main theater in our government. It's all a battle for dominance in a cult of personality. Congresspeople can have horrible voting records and still get elected repeatedly, but FSM forbid they have sex with someone that isn't their wife.

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